This retro platformer runs smoothly both when it comes to graphicks and audio.
It wont get top score because of the lack of gamepad support and the anoying ads that keeps popping up at the most inconvenient times.
Then again the gamepad issue is taken care of with the "Touch Emulation" and ""Application Profile" options in the Sixaxis app.
When it comes to the ads there are ways to get rid of them. One is using LuckyPatcher to disable the ads or simply resize them to the size of 0x0 px.

Xitos World - Jump and Run
This Super Mario/Commander Keen blend is a smooth ride if you set it up right.
As you've probably noticed there are both "Official Gamepad support" and "Mappable with SixAxis app" marking on this one. That's because the menus are gamepad compatible but the gameplay are not.
To get a good experience with this game you will need to disable ADS using Lucky Patcher thats found under the "Useful Tools" menu or by clicking the link here.
This Terrarria/2D Minecraft game is a lot of fun to play.
It has great graphics (retro-style) and good controllers. To play this with gamepad is a bit of an hassle since you'll need to use touch/mouse to place blox. This however is doable with the PS4/DS4 controller since it has the trackpad on the controller, but it does not make the gameplay ideal.
This app contains IAP (in app purchase) to "upgrade" to the PRO version. I will recommend doing so. That way you'll get rid of the popup-ads and banners messing up the screen. (This is also possible to do with the help of LuckyPatcher, even though I recommend supporting the developers and buy the PRO version) (On games that doesn't provide the possibilities to buy your self out of the AD-hell I FULLY support disabeling ads).

Dark Sword
Dark Sword was a game I was looking forward to get going on my Pine.
The dissapointment was huge when I figured it doesn't support gamepad AT ALL!
I was prepared to look past the laggy intro and try the game with an open mind, but when you cant even input a profile-name without a touch-panel, I just cant.
This game is 100% useless on the Pine (unless you got the 7" touchscreen add on. In that case I guess it will work.

Horizon Chase
Yet another rip-off of the classic OutRun game. This one does almost everything right. Smooth gameplay, LOTS of different tracks and achievements to unlock, and a great garage to choose your wheels from.
The minus with this game is that the menus doesn't support gamepad, but gameplay does. Therefore the double marking on this one.
Robbery Bob (1)
Fun game where you are playing as a small-time criminal.
Original gameplay with a nice bird-view angle. Smooth gameplay with good graphics.
This game does have some ADS so if that bothers you, you should consider doing the IAP to get rid of them.
Gamepad is not supperted officially, but there is no problem mapping the controller using the SixAxis app.
Geometry Dash
Geometry Dash is a fun time-consuming game with tricky levels. And there is no room for mistakes...
A bit repetitive gameplay, but runs smoothly on the Pine.
There is no official gamepad-support, but mapping for gameplay is a quick job.
The problem surfaces when you enter the level-editor. This require touch/mouse input. (It is possible on the DualShock 4-controllers but its not the best solution).

LEGO Star Wars Yoda II
Yet another game that is 100% depending on touch-input. This one is to the extent that input through the touchpad on the DS4-controller or the mouse is not "good enough". Not able to choose what side I wanted to fight for (first screen that pops up during launch).
Shadow Fight 2
Yet another game with the shadow/silhouette-style. This one is working good on the Pine, but not flawlessly.
There is NO official gamepad-support, so mapping is required.
The main menu offers a "gym" where you can practice your moves so you're ready when going into a fight.
One irritating thing about this is that the on-screen-controllers are different in the menu than in regular gameplay. This results in one of two scenarios. Number one is to just don't give a sh*t about the "gym" and just map the gameplay-controllers or make two "touch emulation"-profiles and assign a button on the controller to switch between the multiple profiles for the game.
Personally I just ignored the "gym" and mapped for the fights, and it works fine.
You are also required to use the touchpad on the controller or a mouse once in a while.
The game offers good visual effects as well as good physics.

The Walking Dead 1
This game offers official gamepad support in all aspects of the game, except from the buy-offers and connection request during boot.
The graphics are awesome. Gives me a real flashback to the old XIII-game.
There are some issues with the gamepad-mapping in the game. this results in the wrong placement of buttons when you get a choice of what to say in a conversation or what to do during gameplay.
You get used to this quite quick, or you could remap the whole controller in SixAxis.
◇Even more games will be tested soon...
1 comment:
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